OPCD Terminates Emergency Directive 20-02 Signaling End of COVID-19 Surveillance

OPCD Terminates Emergency Directive 20-02 Signaling End of COVID-19 Surveillance


NEW ORLEANS, LA (April 5th, 2022), After consultation with the OPCD Medical Director, Dr. Meg Marino, Executive Director Tyrell Morris formally terminated Emergency Directive 20-02 effective this past Friday, March 31st at 1300 hrs.

On February 5th, 2020, Director Morris issued Emergency Directive 20-01 activating the agencies epidemic/pandemic/outbreak surveillance and protocols. As the cases of COVID-19 in Orleans Parish continued to rise, Emergency Directive 20-02 was issued on March 9th, 2022, formally escalating and activating Protocol 36.

OPCD uses the science-based call taking protocols developed and managed by the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED).  The activation and use of the pandemic protocols requires emergency communication specialists to ask additional questions of 9-1-1 callers to ensure the most appropriate response is sent and first responders are protected as much as possible.  With the termination of this emergency directive, callers should see faster processing times.

“This is great news not only for our agency but for the City of New Orleans,” said OPCD Executive Director, Tyrell Morris. Our community has done an amazing job getting vaccinated and following the issued guidelines.  Our heroes under the headset have been laser focused since day one on providing the highest level of service.

“The academy has provided us the training and resources to #SHOWUP for our people during this pandemic.  The data shows that we can make this operational change which will help us speed up call processing and answer times.” continued Morris. “OPCD will continue to monitor COVID-19 activity and make operational adjustments as necessary.”


For a full timeline of the OPCD COVID-19 response, click here.

For more information on Protocol 36 from the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch, click here.

About the Orleans Parish Communication District (www.OPCDLA.gov)
Formed in 1982, the Orleans Parish Communication District is the PSAP for all emergency communications via 9-1-1, and non-emergency communications via 3-1-1, within Orleans Parish.  The agency employs over 150 individuals and provides emergency medical dispatch, emergency fire dispatch, and emergency police dispatch for the millions of annual visitors and residents of the City of New Orleans.  OPCD is a member of the Association of Public Safety Communication Officials (APCO) and the National Emergency Number Association (NENA).

The Mission of OPCD is to get the Right People to the Right Place at the Right TimeBetter than Anyone Else in the World